Sunday, February 24, 2008

Special Edition Bape Nintendo Ds + Smallest ds ever!!!

Look at this ds....Do you want one? Well.....TO have to live in Japan to get one of these masterpieces and its not going to be cheep either so i suggest if you want one to start saving and find a website that will ship you one like I'm doing but all i need to decide is what color should i get?


The worlds smallest.....FAKE paper ds. Its actually cool for something that is fake as actually can be made by you at home. I've included a download at the bottom to the file but before the file i included a warning.

And also i forgot to mention that its actully 1.4" x 0.75" x 0.25

And heres one more picture i found of it

link to get the instructions how to make one.

(Warning These are very hard to make and requires special type of paper so if you planon printing the file do it at home because im sure at school or work( wherever your reading this from)you are probly not allowed to download such files and i dont want anyone getting in trouble so do it at home but if you can't do it at home do to lack of internet or anything else just tell a freind or someone that would be interested and can print the file)

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