Monday, February 25, 2008

Cool Video Game System Designs

I found these Designs of video game systems people have design and put on the internet and i thought they were cool so i put them here to show you the reader.

"X-Box Portable Designs" (name would probaly be something like x-box 180 or somethin'"

(posible game would be a halo prequel or even interquel ex. halo 1 to halo 2 aka the middle aka what happened between them *dont realy play halo so i dont know if they can put something out like that o and by the way Unreal tornement>>>>>>>>>>>>Halo)

"The one and only Nintendo gamecube portable design"

"Nintendo Ds Designs" (First is my Favorite)

"PSP 2 Designs

Psp meets Ds

Now the question is which one would you buy?

***Don't forget to comment and answer***


Anonymous said...

i'd get the psp2 =] or the psp meets ds.

Jordan P. said...

* to Tinh Ngoc Hoa

Good choice on which you would buy