Tuesday, April 29, 2008

About the parents that are mad because of Grand theft Auto 4(IV)

Well first of all if your saying it sets a bad example for your kids and everything well then DONT BUY IT FOR YOU KIDS. If you dont want your kids to see that kind on content then when your buying a game its simple LOOK AT THE RATING AND THE COVER ART, , C'mon people the cover has a lot of violent images right in front of ou and then you buy it and then become p.oed that the game is like the way it is, and also dont blame a game for your kid acting up and doing whatever they want, they don't do that because they play a video game, ITS BECAUSE OF YOUR BAD PARENTING AND LETTING THEM GET WHATEVER THEY WANT AND EVERYTHING ELSE, DO YOUR JOB AND DISIPLIN THEM< YOU DONT NEED NO NANNY 911 FOR YOUR KIDS ACTING UP, JUST BY GOING ON SHOWS LIKE THAT SHOWS THAT YOUR A BAD PARENT AND DONT KNOW HOW TO DISIPLIN OR CONTROL YOUR KIDS, PLUS YOULL BE KNOWN AS THE PEOPLE WHO'SE KIDS ACT UP WHEN THEY DONT GET SOMETHING THEY WANT THEN BLAME IT ON SOMETHING YOU HAD GOT THEM WAKE UP PARENTS ITS YOUR JOB NOT THE STATES

Friday, April 25, 2008

Charlie 2

I loved the first and the second just came out so check it out people

Monday, April 21, 2008

Virtual BarberShop

Watch this video with complete scilence and headphone whil your eyes are closed its weird

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Now Thats what i call a Playstation Portable

This is the Ps3p Which is just a short version of saying playstaion 3 protable its shaped like a laptop and is currently working although there is only one in existence so dont sell your kidneys yet this will come out when sony figures out which consol designers to hire

*Bonus Pic

(I think the stuff in the background has somethin' to do with the construction of this monster)

Oh yeah i forgot to say that i think its awsome what size it is

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tetris Shelves

These are some shelves that you can buy if you love tetris but you would have to have a tetris themed room for these to fit in so its ether you go online to find more tetris furniture or you can be that one guy with those weird shelves in his house

*These shelves actully might be good for video games but if you get some you can put whatever you want in them

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Most Detailed Line Rider Ever!!!

See more funny videos at CollegeHumor

Look at this i found it on one of the site i usaly find video game news off of and i just had to share this masterpiece with all of those who read my blog

More Sonic Unleashed Pics..

Nuthin much leaked just some new pics of the world speding apart in to three not much spoilers.

Atari Ads...

Check out these ads the New Zealand are going to be putting up so their people remeber where it all started The Atari. If you don't know what a Atari is than you've been sleeping under a rock for too long and need to wake up and go to google and look it up becuase it's late, I have more stuff to post and i don't want to give you the history of the Atari.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sonic Unleashed gets leaked..

WOW look at this its Sonic Unleashed, Sega trademarked this name not to long ago and now these pictures leaked. I also have info that this game is a multplatformer so dont be worried if you only have one next-gen console.

*Heres The Leaked Pics plus some leaked gameplay that looks amazing but i wouldn't get my hopes up becuase its been awile since they made a good sonic game + Sega still hasn't made a proper remake of the origanil chubby sonic we SHOULD all know and love

" Hers a bonus pic of the chubby sonic "

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Ultimate Pen...

Its' a pen with a laser pointer, led flashlight, stylus & Uv Banknote checker.


But i know what your thinkin', "This pen must be like over 50 bucks,"

Well Guess What its only $11 so go get some cash and GET ONE!!!!!!!

Get it HERE http://www.gadget4all.com/

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wow look at that

look at what they are doing for the effel towers birthday i think its 125th or somewhere around there.

*more pics

The Designs...

The Whole Enchalada...

Close up angle...

what it would look like when people are on it

And Finaly the die for view that looks just wow...

Guitar Hero on tour is finaly here...

Well look at that they finnaly made a portable guitar hero and i even have a video to back up proof that its the real dealcheck it out with the pic


Remember Operation with the guy thats nose glowed red and made that annying sound if you touched the sides while attempting to retreive a piece fom inside his body?


You Don't Remember?

Well who cares but if you do now you can go get the hulk edition where his eyes grow green and he yells eveythime you touch a side

*As always heres more pictures

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Star Wars Meets T** L*** S***** (Guess What letters the *'s are)

Check out this star wars pic

It's A Mix between the last supper and star wars

Looks Cool huh' but wait...

It's Made out of Star Wars Frames!!!

Here Are more pics of this cool art

Monday, March 10, 2008

Awsome Wii Mod

Check out this cool wii case mod which displays nintendos mascot in his greatest times

Here's More Pics

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wow check this out

Thats awsome it draws out the time and erases it every minute

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Just another Post

I needed to post another post so heres a funny cat picture

Monday, March 3, 2008

Rbk Kanye West Shoes

I Mentioned Some Rbk Kanye West Shoes in one of my earlyer posts so i decided to post some pics

I Personly think that the green,red and tan ones are the best while the others are not cool and could have been better